School Nurse Organization of Idaho

We need you - SNOI Board Nominations

Posted 9 months ago by Joy Harris

The School Nurse Organization of Idaho is accepting nominations for the following board positions to serve the specified term based on the SNOI Bylaws (2023): NASN Director, President Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, and Representatives from Area 2, Area 4A, Area 4B, and Area 6. Area representatives are determined based on Idaho’s Public Health Districts.  Please review the Bylaws for descriptions of position duties and requirements.  

Positions underlined above have had no responses. Please consider joining our board!

Please submit this SNOI Board Nominations form if you are interested in serving on the SNOI board. Self-nominations will be accepted. The term of office is defined beside the open positions below. Nominations will be accepted through April 26, 2024.